Solved Paper Assistant Botanist 2019 [Part-3] – HPSSC Hamirpur

By | September 24, 2019

111. Which is non- symbiotic bio-fertilizer?

  1. VAM
  2. Azotobacter
  3. Anabaena
  4. Rhizobium

112. Which is a restriction endonuclease?

  1. Protease
  2. DNase 1
  3. RNase
  4. Hind 2

113. In transgenics, expression of the transgene in the target tissue is determined by

  1. Enhancer
  2. Transgene
  3. Promoter
  4. Reporter

114. Continuous addition of sugars in ‘fed-batch’ fermentation is done to

  1. Produce methane
  2. Obtain antibiotics
  3. Purify enzymes
  4. Degrade sewage

115. Which is a characteristic of a biological community?

  1. Stratification
  2. Natality
  3. Mortality
  4. Sex ratio

116. Desert plants are generally

  1. Viviparous
  2. Succulent
  3. Herbaceous
  4. Heterophyllous

117. Soil best suited for plant growth is

  1. Clay
  2. Loamy
  3. Sandy
  4. Gravel

118. The upright pyramid of number is absent in

  1. Pond
  2. Forest
  3. Lake
  4. Grassland

119. Which plant bears clinging roots?

  1. Podostemon
  2. Orchid
  3. Trapa
  4. Screwpine

120. Which is an example of ex-situ conservation?

  1. National Park
  2. Seed Bank
  3. Wildlife Sanctuary
  4. Sacred Grove

121. Maximum nutritional diversity is found in which group?

  1. Fungi
  2. Anamalia
  3. Monera
  4. Plantae

122. Secondary sewage treatment is mainly a

  1. Mechanical process
  2. Physical process
  3. Biological process
  4. Chemical process

123. Photochemical smog pollution does not contain

  1. Ozone
  2. Nitrogen dioxide
  3. Carbon dioxide
  4. Peroxy Acyl Nitrate

124. Casparian strips occur in

  1. Cortex
  2. Pericycle
  3. Epidermis
  4. Endodermis

125. Offsets are produced by

  1. Parthenocarpy
  2. Mitotic divisions
  3. Meiotic divisions
  4. Parthenogenesis

126. The site of respiration in bacteria is

  1. Episome
  2. Mesosome
  3. Ribosome
  4. Microsome

127. Interferons are

  1. Complex proteins
  2. Anticancer proteins
  3. Antibacterial proteins
  4. Antiviral proteins

128. Chryophytes and dinoflagellates are included in which kingdom?

  1. Protista
  2. Fungi
  3. Animalia
  4. Monera

129. In fungi stored food material is

  1. Glucose
  2. Sucrose
  3. Starch
  4. Glycogen

130. Zygotic meiosis is characteristic of

  1. Marchantia
  2. Focus
  3. Funaria
  4. Chlamydomonas

131. Which is a living fossil?

  1. Spirogyra
  2. Saccharomyces
  3. Moss
  4. Cycas

132. Agar is commercially obtained from

  1. Red algae
  2. Green algae
  3. Brown algae
  4. Blue green algae

133. Flowers are unisexual in

  1. Pea
  2. Cucumber
  3. China rose
  4. Onion

134. Oil reserve of groundnut is present in

  1. Embryo
  2. Cotyledons
  3. Endosperm
  4. Underground tubers

135. Vivipary is characteristic of

  1. Mesophytes
  2. Xerophytes
  3. Hygrophytes
  4. Halophytes

136. Vascular tissues in flowering plants develop from

  1. Phellogen
  2. Plerome
  3. Dermatogens
  4. None of these

137. Main function of lenticels is

  1. Transpiration
  2. Guttation
  3. Gaseous exchange
  4. Bleeding

138. Which is not membrane-bound?

  1. Vacuoles
  2. Ribosomes
  3. Lysosomes
  4. Mesosomes

139. Which is not polymeric?

  1. Nucleic acid
  2. Proteins
  3. Polysaccharides
  4. Lipids

140. Commercial latex is obtained from

  1. Acacia Arabica
  2. Tectona grandis
  3. Manihot esculenta
  4. None of these

141. The basic unit of classification is

  1. Species
  2. Genus
  3. Family
  4. Phylum

142. The thalloid body of a slime mould is known as

  1. Protonema
  2. Plasmodium
  3. Fruiting body
  4. Mycelium

143. Cleavage polyembryony occus in

  1. Pinus
  2. Ephedra
  3. Cycas
  4. None of these

144. Which plant is placed under dicots but lacks cotyledons?

  1. Maize
  2. Cuscuta
  3. Mustard
  4. Linseed

145. The botanical name of soybean is

  1. Cajanus cajan
  2. Glycine max
  3. Glycyrrhiza glabra
  4. None of these

146. Root cap is absent in

  1. Mesophytes
  2. Gydrophytes
  3. Epiphytes
  4. Xerophytes

147. When we peel the skin of a potato tuber, we remove

  1. Periderm
  2. Epidermis
  3. Cuticle
  4. Sapwood

148. The vascular bundle is closed when

  1. Cambium present
  2. Cambium absent
  3. Pericycle absent
  4. None of these

149. Tyloses thickenings are seen in

  1. Collenchymas
  2. Phloem cells
  3. Ray parenchyma only
  4. Ray parenchyma & xylem cells

150. The vacuole in the plant cell contains

  1. Stroma
  2. Mitochondrion
  3. Ribosome
  4. Cell sap

151. Acrosome is formed from

  1. Golgi body
  2. Ribosome
  3. Lysosome
  4. Endoplasmic Reticulum

152. Proteins required for the functioning of the nucleus are formed in

  1. Nucleolus
  2. Rough Endoplasmic reticulum
  3. Cytoplasm
  4. Mitochondria

153. Which essential amino acid is synthesized by a plant?

  1. Phenylalanine
  2. Leucine
  3. Arginine
  4. Serine

154. Amitosis is shown by

  1. Bacteria
  2. Fungi
  3. Virus
  4. None of these

155. Water potential of pure water at standard temperature is equal to

  1. Zero
  2. 10
  3. 20
  4. None of these

156. Loss of liquid water by guttation occurs through

  1. Hydathodes
  2. Stomata
  3. Cuticle
  4. Bark

157. Hydroponics is

  1. Water
  2. Solution containing all the nutrients
  3. Green house
  4. Liquid

158. Manganese is required in

  1. Nucleic acid synthesis
  2. Plant cell wall formation
  3. Photolysis of water during photosynthesis
  4. Chlorophyll synthesis

159. Kranzx anatomy is usually associated with

  1. C3 Plants
  2. C4 plants
  3. CAM plants
  4. None of these

160. Non-cyclic photophosphorylation results in the production of

  1. ADP
  2. ATP
  3. NADPH
  4. ATP and NADPH

161. When fats are the respiratory substrate, the value of Respiratory Quotient would be

  1. Approximately 0.7
  2. Approximately 1. 0
  3. More than 1. 0
  4. None of these

162. Which carbon is anomeric in glucose?

  1. C1
  2. C2
  3. C4
  4. None of these

163. Gibberellins causes

  1. Apical dominance
  2. Flowering
  3. Intermodal growth
  4. Wilting

164. Which is a short day plant?

  1. Wheat
  2. Maize
  3. Chrysanthemum
  4. Radish

165. Induction of flowering by low temperature treatment is called

  1. Vernalization
  2. Cryobiology
  3. Photoperiodism
  4. Pruning

166. Both autogamy and geitonogamy are prevented in

  1. Papaya
  2. Cucumber
  3. Castor
  4. Maize

167. Flowers are unisexual in

  1. China rose
  2. Onion
  3. Pea
  4. Cucumber

168. Corm is modification of

  1. Root
  2. Leaf
  3. Stem
  4. Bud

169. Filiform apparatus is a characteristic feature of

  1. Suspensor
  2. Egg
  3. Synergid
  4. Zygote

170. Triploid tissue in angiosperms is

  1. Nucellus
  2. Endosperm
  3. Endothecium
  4. Tapetum

Read the previous parts: Part-1Part-2॥ 

Read also: All other Papers of HPPSC and HPSSC

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