Syllabus for the Post of Patwari – Himachal Pradesh Revenue Department

By | August 9, 2019

Detailed Syllabus for the Post of Patwari Exam

Himachal Pradesh Revenue Department

The paper will be of objective type, consisting of 100 questions. The time allowed for the exam is 2 hours. The syllabus consist of four broad areas :

  1. हिंदी (25 Questions)
  2. English (25 Questions)
  3. General Knowledge (25 Questions)
  4. Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning (25 Questions)

The level of aptitude asked will be of matriculation level. Some most important topics for aptitude are summarised as follows:

  1. Simple Interest
  2. Profit, Loss, Discount, and Investment
  3. Areas and Volumes
  4. Percentage
  5. Number System.
  6. L.C.M and H.C.F
  7. Ratio and Proportion
  8. Average and simple arithmetic progression
  9. Speed and Distance
  10. Time and Work
  11. Quadratic equation
  12. Calculation questions based on square root, powers, fractions, decimal, and BODMAS
  13. Simple geometry and trigonometry
  14. Simple permutation and combination questions

Important topics for reasoning are:

  1. Series based questions like, find the missing term type, based on numeric and alphabetical series
  2. Coding and decoding of basic type, Based on alphabets of English language
  3. Blood relation
  4. Age-based problems
  5. Arrangement of words based on dictionary rules
  6. Calendar
  7. Seating arrangement questions in a circular, rectangular, row type of basic difficulty

Most important topics for English are:

  1. Synonyms and Antonyms
  2. Fill in the blanks based on articles, prepositions, tenses, verb forms, and appropriate words
  3. Spelling based questions in which you have to choose correctly spelt word
  4. Simple questions based on various parts of speech. (Conjunction, Noun, Adjective, etc.)
  5. Proverbs, Idioms, and phrases
  6. Narration and Voice.
  7. Sentence correction (based on above-mentioned topics)
  8. Unseen Passage
  9. One word substitution

पटवारी परीक्षा के लिए हिंदी भाषा के कुछ महत्वपूर्ण विषय:

  1. शुद्ध-अशुद्ध (शब्द शुद्धि, वाक्य शुद्धि)
  2. वर्तनी सम्बन्धी अशुद्धियाँ
  3. हिंदी भाषा का मूलभूत ज्ञान (स्वर, व्यंजन, रस)
  4. वाक्यों का वर्गीकरण (सरल, मिश्र तथा संयुक्त)
  5. दिए गए वाक्यांशों को सही क्रम में व्यवस्थित करके एक अर्थपूर्ण वाक्य बनाना
  6. उच्चारण स्थान
  7. संधि तथा संधि-विच्छेद
  8. समास
  9. संज्ञा, सर्वनाम और विशेषण आदी की मूलभूत समझ और इनके भेदों का ज्ञान
  10. उपसर्ग और प्रत्यय
  11. मुहावरे और लोकोक्तियाँ
  12. अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द
  13. उचित शब्द से दिए गए रिक्त स्थान की पूर्ती
  14. पर्यायवाची शब्द, विलोम शब्द, शब्द युग्म, लिंग परिवर्तन, वचन परिवर्तन आदी

Most important topics for General Knowledge (matriculation level) :

  1. Himachal Pradesh GK (History, Geography, Socio-Economy, Polity, and Culture)
  2. General Knowledge of India
  3. Basic Science (Physics, Chemistry, and Biology)
  4. Important Current events of National and International importance
  5. Basic knowledge of computer (1-2 questions)

Read also: Previous Year Papers of Patwari

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