Solved Paper JOA (IT) 2021 [Part-1] – HPSSC Hamipur

By | January 10, 2022




1. Which of the following layers in the ISO OSI reference network model lies between physical and network layers ?

  1. Data link
  2. Application
  3. Transport
  4. Session

(2) Which layers in the ISO OSI reference network model are responsible for routing of packets over the network?

  1. Physical
  2. data link
  3. network
  4. Transport

(3) A web based information repository that is collaboratively edited by the members of the concerned community is called a ________.

  1. web application
  2. wilki
  3. portal
  4. blog

(4) A Frequency band of the spectrum reserved for unlicensed usage is called _____ band.

  1. Bluetooth
  2. ISM
  3. ISP
  4. WiFi

(5) A computer can capture all the packets being transmitted over the shared transmission medium by setting the network interface in _______ mode.

  1. Active
  2. safe
  3. promiscuous
  4. dormant

(6) Which of the following is an invalid IPv4 address?

  1. 10.1.1

(7) Which of the following IPv4 address series is reserved by IANA for private use ?

  1. to
  2. to
  3. to
  4. to

(8) Which of the following is optic fibre cable ?

  1. UTP
  2. Ethernet
  3. Multimode
  4. CAT6

(9) What is the full form of the term WEP used with Wi-Fi security?

  1. Wireless Equipment protection
  2. Wireless Electronic privacy
  3. Wireless enabled password
  4. Wired equivalent privacy

(10) Which of the following is generally not a function of an operating system?

  1. Process management
  2. Protection and security
  3. Word processing
  4. Memory management

(11) Which of the CPU scheduling algorithms may not cause starvation?

  1. Shortest Job first
  2. Shortest remaining Time first
  3. Priority scheduling
  4. Round Robin

(12) A______is a memory that stores the data, while it is being transferred between two devices or an application.

  1. Spool
  2. Stack
  3. Buffer
  4. Cache

(13) Which of the following is not a major version of Microsoft Windows operating system?

  1. Windows Vista
  2. Windows XE
  3. Windows ME
  4. Windows XP

(14) In Windows 10,how can one sneak a peek at the desktop without closing or minimising all the open windows ?

  1. By pressing Ctrl+alt+shift
  2. By moving the mouse cursor at the end of the taskbar
  3. By shaking mouse cursor
  4. By long pressing shift key

(15) What is the short method to minimise all the other windows except the one you wish to keep visible in Windows 10 ?

  1. By long pressing Ctrl key
  2. By grabbing the window’s title bar using mouse and shaking it
  3. By pressing F1 key
  4. By pressing Ctrl+alt+s

(16) In the windows 10, the _______ provides quick access to notification , toggle battery saver mode , choose  a network and access tablet mode.

  1. Menu bar
  2. Quick launch bar
  3. Action bar
  4. Status bar

(17) Which of these describes a situation when a computer does not respond to any input from the user ?

  1. Sleep
  2. Hang
  3. Suspend
  4. Boot

(18) A ______ is a situation that arises when two threads access a shared variable simultaneously and the final value in the variable depends upon the order of execution of thread instructions.

  1. Deadlock
  2. Race condition
  3. Belady anomaly
  4. Cache miss

(19) What is the format of an Android application package file?

  1. EXE
  2. DLL
  3. APK
  4. APF

(20) Red hat is an example of

  1. Anti virus software
  2. Linux distribution
  3. Database management system
  4. Image editing software

(21) What is the Linux command to delete a file?

  1. erase
  2. rm
  3. del
  4. kill

(22) A/an ______ reads one statement at a time , translates it into machine code , executes it and then goes to the next statement of the program.

  1. Assembler
  2. Interpreter
  3. Linker
  4. Compiler

(23) Which uses mnemonics for machine instructions and names for CPU register and memory location ?

  1. Machine language
  2. 4th generation
  3. High level language
  4. Assembly language

(24) Which of the following programming languages was invented by Guido van Russom ?

  1. C++
  2. C
  3. Java
  4. Python

(25) Which of the following programming languages uses the concept of classes?

  1. Functional
  2. Object-oriented
  3. Procedural
  4. Assembly

(26) What does the flowchart shown below perform ?



         Read n




            ↓                     ↓

          n>1 →→→→ x = x*n

            ↓                    m=n-1

         Print x



  1. Generate n terms of Fibonacci
  2. Compute factorial
  3. Compute sum of first n natural numbers
  4. Generate multiplication table of n

(27) How will you create a perfect circle using the oval tool in Ms PowerPoint?

  1. By holding Alt+Ctrl key while dragging mouse to draw oval
  2. By holding Alt key while mouse to draw oval
  3. By holding shift key while dragging mouse to draw oval
  4. By holding Ctrl key while dragging mouse to draw oval

(28) Which of the following is not a type of animation in MS PowerPoint ?

  1. Rotation
  2. Emphasis
  3. Motion path
  4. Entrance

(29) The _____ view shows the current slide , the next slide , speaker notes and a timer to help the presenter.

  1. Print
  2. Presenter
  3. Web
  4. Outline

(30) What is the correct character sequence to be typed in the equation editor in MS word to insert the mathematical formula


Σ n


  1. \sum%(i=1)^(n)n
  2. \sum_(i=1)^(n)n
  3. \sum$(i=1)!(n)n
  4. \sigma_(i=1)^(n)n

(31) What are the names of two fictional characters commonly depicted as users to demonstrate cryptographic systems and protocols?

  1. Marcos and Christine
  2. George and Mary
  3. Philip and Julie
  4. Bob and Alice

(32) Plaintext is transformed into _____ by applying an encryption algorithm.

  1. Ciphertext
  2. Key
  3. Digest
  4. Alphabet

(33) Bitcoin and etherium are examples of

  1. Anti-malware
  2. Database system
  3. Cryptocurrency
  4. Cloud services

(34) Which of the following tags in HTML does not require a closing tag ?

  1. <Button>
  2. <p>
  3. <Input>
  4. <a>

(35) Which of the following is not a valid tag in HTML 5?

  1. <img>
  2. <li>
  3. <checkbox>
  4. <em>

(36) Which language is mainly used for client-side scripting in HTML documents?

  1. JavaScript
  2. C
  3. Java
  4. Python

(37) Which of the following HTML tags is used to create a numbered list of items?

  1. <nl>
  2. <num>
  3. <list>
  4. <ol>

(38) Which HTML tag is used to create a cell in the table row ?

  1. <td>
  2. <cell>
  3. <field>
  4. <tcell>

(39) How will you add a tooltip to an HTML document?

  1. Using style attribute
  2. Using tip attribute
  3. Using title attribute
  4. Using src attribute

(40) Which HTML tag is used to insert horizontal lines in an HTML document?

  1. <ol>
  2. <ul>
  3. <hr>
  4. <li>

(41) The HTML entity to insert a < symbol in HTML document is

  1. $lt;
  2. *lt;
  3. &lt;
  4. %lt;

(42) An HTML comment is enclosed inside

  1. < – – and – – >
  2. < * and * >
  3. <!  and    !>
  4. <!- -and- – >

(43) What is the default size of text in <h1> HTML elements ?

  1. 1.5 em
  2. 1.75 em
  3. 1.25 em
  4. 2 em

(44) What is the full form of CSS ?

  1. Cascading style sheet
  2. Common spreadsheet
  3. Coded style sheet
  4. Compact solid state

(45) How will you select the outline colour of a shape in Microsoft paint ?

  1. By holding the Ctrl key while selecting the colour from the palette
  2. By holding the shift key while selecting the colour from the palette
  3. By holding the Alt key while selecting the colour from the palette
  4. By holding Ctrl+Alt key while selecting the colour from palette

(46) Which unity in the windows OS is used to create disk partitioning, resize partitions and format partitions on storage drives ?

  1. Defrag
  2. Diskpart
  3. Scandisk
  4. DD

(47) Which toolbar in MS word 2013 by default contains three commands – save , undo and redo?

  1. Format
  2. Quick access
  3. Custom
  4. Standard

(48) What is the shortcut key to redo the undone changes in MS word?

  1. Ctrl+U
  2. Ctrl+Shift+Z
  3. Ctrl+R
  4. Ctrl+Y

(49) Pressing________ removes character level formatting from the selected text in MS word format ?

  1. Ctrl+enter
  2. Ctrl+space
  3. Ctrl+Q
  4. Ctrl+delete

(50) APA, Chicago and MLA are standard

  1. Document format
  2. Email composition
  3. Spreadsheet formats
  4. Website styles

(51) Which tab in MS Word provides options for table of contents , footnotes and citations?

  1. References
  2. Format
  3. Standard
  4. Tools

(52) What is the shortcut key to set the line spacing of 1.5 in MS word paragraphs ?

  1. Ctrl+}
  2. Ctrl+5
  3. Ctrl+0
  4. Ctrl+?

(53) What is the shortcut key to show “replace”dialog in MS word?

  1. Ctrl+K
  2. Ctrl+G
  3. Ctrl+R
  4. Ctrl+H

(54) Which of the following languages is used for programming a macro in MS Excel?

  1. VBA
  2. VC++
  3. Python
  4. JavaScript

(55) Which is a software tool included with MS word that provides synonyms for selected words ?

  1. Macro
  2. Thesaurus
  3. Autocomplete
  4. Autocorrect

(56) By using the ______ option while printing more than one copy of a multi page document , the printer will print all the pages of each copy before printing the next copy.

  1. Spool
  2. Collate
  3. Duplex
  4. Sort

(57) Entering the number 0 in the cell in Excel sheet and formatting it as date will show

  1. January 1,1970
  2. Inavlid date
  3. January 0,1990
  4. January 1,1900

(58) What does the letter ‘R’ mean in a CD-R disc?

  1. Rewritable
  2. Reduced
  3. Recordable
  4. Read only

(59) Which layer in a TCP/IP network uses a ‘ segment ‘ as a transfer unit ?

  1. TCP
  2. physical
  3. Application
  4. IP

(60) Which is a communication mode in which the both sender and receiver may transmit simultaneously?

  1. Half duplex
  2. Simplex
  3. Full duplex
  4. Serial

Read the next part: ।। Part-2 ।। Part-3।।

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