Category Archives: Editorials

Social Security Pension proving boon for people of the State

By | September 2, 2020

The Government of Himachal Pradesh is working vigilantly to provide social security to destitute, old, abandoned, disabled, and poor people. With the commitment to uplift such people, the state government is providing social security to them through various pension schemes. Under the able leadership of Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur, the present state government has… Read More »

Himachal government succeeds in protecting endangered Chamurthi horses

By | August 24, 2020

With the constant efforts and battle against all odds, the State government has been successful in conserving and rebounding Chamurthi horse breed which was among those horse breed that were in danger of becoming extinct few years back. The Chamurthi breed known for better ability and endurance skills is found in the upper mountainous areas of Himachal mainly in snow… Read More »

ठकुराईयाँ जिनके विलय से जिला शिमला, सिरमौर, सोलन, किन्नौर बने।

By | August 21, 2020

Writer: Dr. Vimal Pankaj Katoch, BAMS, PG in Clinical Psychology, AMO, NHM HP. हिमाचल प्रदेश उत्तरी भारत का पहाड़ी राज्य है , जितनी विशिष्ट इसकी भौगोलिक स्थितियां एवं परिस्थितियां हैं उतना ही मनोहर रुचिकर इसका इतिहास भी है। समय  के साथ साथ हिमाचल प्रदेश में कई जातियां, जनजातियां, समूह  स्थापित हुए और उनकी सभ्यता तथा नियम… Read More »

पुनर्निर्माण की राह देखता कमलाह गढ़

By | August 20, 2020

लेखक: विनीत ठाकुर कहते हैं इतिहास बदलने के लिए इतिहास बनाना पड़ता है I यही कार्य हिमाचल प्रदेश की मंडी रियासत के कार्यकाल के दौरान कमलाह श्रेणी पर किला बनाकर किया गया था I मंडी रियासत प्रदेश की प्राचीन रियासतों में से एक है जिसकी स्थापना  बाहु सेन द्वारा की गई थी I आगे चलकर … Read More »

JICA project to give new identity to pine nut of Kinnaur and Sea buckthorn of Spiti

By | August 3, 2020

The State Government is committed towards environmental protection and is giving special emphasis to increase the green cover of the state for which several schemes are being implemented through the Forest Department. The State Government has implemented the ‘Himachal Pradesh Forest Ecosystem Management and Livelihood Improvement Project’ to provide a livelihood to the people of… Read More »

कोरोना ब्लास्ट के बावजूद भी करवाए जा रहे हैं पेपर। दीजिये अपनी राय।

By | July 25, 2020

लेखक: विपिन पुरोहित (कुल्लू) एक पुरानी कहावत है कि जिस समय रोम जल रहा था नीरो बांसुरी बजा रहा था और इसी कहावत का वर्तमान संस्करण है कि जब कोरोना फ़ैल रहा था तो हिo प्रo लोक सेवा आयोग, शिमला परीक्षा ले रहा था। आलम यह है कि हिमाचल प्रदेश लोक सेवा आयोग, शिमला द्वारा… Read More »

Category: Editorials

Himachal to be made fruit bowl state with expenditure of Rs. 100 crore

By | July 21, 2020

Fruit bearing sapling to be planted in 170-hectare area About 500 families to be connected with horticulture under HP Shiva Pilot Project To make Himachal Pradesh a horticulture state and to strengthen the economy of the State with horticulture through Asian Development Bank-funded HP Shiva Pilot Project.  The horticulture department is making all-out efforts for… Read More »

State Centre on climate change maps snow cover in the State

By | July 13, 2020

Ever since the inception  of the State Centre on Climate Change under the aegis of the HP Council for Science Technology and Environment (HIMCOSTE) by the Government of Himachal Pradesh, the Centre has been involved in undertaking various studies to  understand the  impact of climate change on its various facets. The Centre has successfully utilized… Read More »