Solved Paper JBT TET 2018 [Part-1] – HP BOSE

By | October 1, 2018

Series – C

1. A girl is born when …………… chromosomes are paired

  1. XY
  2. YY
  3. BY
  4. XX

2. Information processing model of memory was given by

  1. Num
  2. Maslow
  3. Driver
  4. Atkinson Shiffrin

3. If the father refuses to give try even after prolonged crying by the child, the result will be

  1. Regression
  2. Generalization
  3. Extinction
  4. Discrimination

4. Which of the following is the first step in the scientific method of problem-solving?

  1. Verification of hypothesis
  2. Problem awareness
  3. Collection of relevant information
  4. Foundation of hypothesis

5. According to pinget, at which of the following stages does a child begin to think logically about abstract propositions?

  1. Formal operational stage
  2. Sensorimotor stage
  3. Pre-operational stage
  4. Concrete operational stage

6. Which one of the following is an example of a fine motor skill?

  1. Running
  2. Writing
  3. Climbing
  4. Hopping

7. Homework is given to see for students

  1. For the development of writing skills
  2. The students could study at home
  3. They know that how much the students understand the lesson
  4. For the development of students

8. I.Q. of morons students lie between

  1. 0-25
  2. 25-50-
  3. 50-75
  4. 75-90

9. Which learning involves motor organs?

  1. Motor learning
  2. Sensory learning
  3. Verbal learning
  4. Sensory-motor learning

10. What types of tests are army alpha and army beta?

  1. Individual tests
  2. Groups tests
  3. Intelligence tests
  4. Personality tests

11. The chief aim of a psychological experiment is

  1. Confirms correlations
  2. Discovers cause-effect relationships
  3. Investigate past events
  4. None of the above

12. Development includes changes from

  1. Infancy to adulthood
  2. Childhood to adulthood
  3. Birth to death
  4. Conception of death

13. Erikson’s which stages are categorized on the basis of?

  1. Reasoning modes
  2. Defense mechanisms
  3. Resolution of social conflicts
  4. Biological needs

14. Ego operates on the basis of

  1. Reality principle
  2. Identification
  3. Pleasure principle
  4. Morality

15. Morality on the basis of existing social norms is during……. Level or moral development

  1. Conventional
  2. Pre-conventional
  3. Post-conventional
  4. None of above

16. ………….. is our working memory system

  1. Semantic memory
  2. Sensory register
  3. Short-term memory
  4. Long-term memory

17. Forgetting is not one caused by

  1. Decay
  2. Disuse
  3. Interference
  4. Deprivation

18. Most suitable test to measure for nine years intelligent child

  1. TAT
  2. WAIS
  3. WPPSI
  4. WISC

19. Child’s tendency to respond to stimuli that are similar to conditioned stimulus is

  1. Readiness
  2. Acquisition
  3. Discrimination
  4. Generalization

20. ………… proposed seven primary mental abilities which are present in intelligence

  1. Thurstone
  2. Guilford
  3. Simon
  4. Stenberg

21. Raven’s progressive matrices (RPM) is a ……….. intelligence test

  1. Mixed
  2. Non-standardised
  3. None-verbal
  4. Verbal

22. Creativity primarily involves

  1. Convergent thinking
  2. Logic
  3. Divergent thinking
  4. Tradition

23. Concrete operational stage lies between

  1. 0-2 years
  2. 2-7 years
  3. 7-12 years
  4. 12-19 years

24. In an experiment, making the value of other variables zero or constant is called

  1. Controls
  2. Objectivity
  3. Universality
  4. None of the above

25. Behaviorism was propounded by

  1. Piaget
  2. Binet
  3. Freud
  4. Watson

26. …………………. is responsible for personality adjustment

  1. Id
  2. Ego
  3. Superego
  4. Unconscious

27. Development follows……. Sequence

  1. Caudal proximal
  2. Distal-proximal
  3. Caudal cephalo
  4. Proximal-distal

28. Statement showing the relationship between variables is

  1. Measurement
  2. Objectivity
  3. Hypothesis
  4. Control

29. Modifying incoming new information to fit into already existing mental categories is called

  1. Assimilation
  2. Accommodation
  3. Equilibrium
  4. Conservation

30. Mainly socialization is a ………… process

  1. Biological
  2. Maturation based
  3. Learn
  4. None of these

31. If the sides of a triangle are 11cm. 15cm and 16cm. then the attitude to the longest side is

  1. 30√7 cm
  2. 15√7/2 cm
  3. 15√7/4 cm
  4. 30cm

32. The length of each side of an equilateral triangle of area 4 3 cm2 , is

  1. 4cm
  2. 4/√3cm
  3. ¾ cm
  4. 3cm

33. Modes of the data 7.5, 7.3, 7.2, 7.2, 7.4, 7.7, 7.7, 7.5, 7.3 7.2, 7.6, 7.2, is

  1. 7.3
  2. 7.5
  3. 7.2
  4. 7.6

34. If the ratio of the radii of two circles is 2:3, then the ratio of their circumference is

  1. 2:3
  2. 3:2
  3. 4:9
  4. 9:4

35. The quotient of 5x2 + 3x + 1 when it is divided by 2x is

  1. 5/2x-3/2
  2. 5/2x+1/2
  3. 5/2x+3/2
  4. 1

36. The ratio of a side and a diagonal of a square is

  1. 1:√2
  2. 3:√2
  3. √2:1
  4. √2:3

37. What time is 4 hrs 59 minutes before 2:58 p.m.?

  1. 9:59 a.m.
  2. 10:01 a.m.
  3. 11:59 a.m.
  4. 9:57 a.m.

38. The value of (x-1+y-1)-1 is

  1.  xy
  2. x+y
  3. b
  4. X+y/xy

39. The simple interest on Rs. 2000 at 25/4% per annum for the period from 4th February 2015 to 18th April 2015 is

  1. 25
  2. 30
  3. 35
  4. 40

40. In term profit percentage, which among the following is the best transaction.

  1. Cost price = 36, Profit= 17
  2. Cost price = 50, profit = 24
  3. Cost price = 40, profit = 19
  4. Cost price = 60, profit = 29

41. The difference of the place value and the face value of the number 3 in 12345 is

  1. 0
  2. 295
  3. 297
  4. 405

42. The number of integers less than -3 but greater then -8 is

  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 4
  4. 6

44. The number of vertices in polyhedron which has 30 edges 12 faces is

  1. 12
  2. 15
  3. 20
  4. 24

45. The difference between the smallest common multiple and biggest common factor of 5, 10 and 35 is

  1. 30
  2. 35
  3. 65
  4. 75

46. Prime factorization of two number a and b are a = 2*2*2*2*3*5 b = 2*2*3*3*5*5

L.C.M. of a and b is

  1. 23*32*52
  2. 24*32*52
  3. 24*32*53
  4. 22*32*53

47. HCF of two numbers is 31 and LCM is 186. If one number then the other number is

  1. 31
  2. 6
  3. 93
  4. 9

48. If a train 150m long platform of length 100 10 seconds, then speed of the

  1. 10m/s
  2. 20m/s
  3. 25m/s
  4. 5m/s

49. The average of first five number is

  1. 5
  2. 3
  3. 7
  4. 5.6

50. Sum of mode and median data 12, 15, 11, 13, 18, 11, 13, 12, 13

  1. 25
  2. 26
  3. 31
  4. 36

Read next:Part-2Part-3 ॥ 

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