Himachal Pradesh Trained Graduate Teachers TGT Exam (Medical) 2014

By | July 7, 2017
  1.    Which reagent will convert glycerol to acrolein? –KHOSO4
  1.  A compound which gives positive idoform test is – 2-Pentanone
  1.  The correct formula of crotonaldehde is – CH3-CH=CH-CHO
  1.  Hexamethylene tetra mine is used as – Urinary antiseptic
  1.  A solution of impure KmnO4 is prepared by dissolving 2g of it in one liter of the solution. 20ml of this solution required 24.2ml of N/20 sodium oxalate. The percentage purity of purity of KmnO4 solution is –95.5%
  1. Correct formula of the complex formed in brown ring test for NO3 ion is – Fe(NO)SO4
  1.  Bismuth is the end product of the radioactive disintegration series known as –4n+1
  1.   Commonly  used antiseptic “Dettol” is a mixture of –Chloroxyleno+terpenol
  1.   Match the following:

        Chloramhenicol – Broad Spectrum Antibiotic

        Phenecetin – Antipyretic

        Promethazine- Antihistmine

        Bithionol – Anthelmintic

  1. Proteins on complete hydrolysis give – α-Amino acids
  1. The metallurgical process in which a metal is obtained in a fused state is called – Smelting
  1. The metal that is used as a catalyst in the hydrogenation of oils is – Ni
  1. The mass of one Avogadro number of Helium atom is – 4.00 gram
  1. The graphite rods in the nuclear reactor – Convert fast moving neutrons 

into thermal neutrons

  1. The half life period of an isotope is 2 hours. After 6 hours, what fraction of the initial quantity of the isotope will be left behind? – 1/8
  1. The hottest part of the gas flame is known as – Non-Luminous zone
  1. The gas used in the manufacture of Vanaspati from Vegetable oils is – Hydrogen
  1. Amongst the CH4, NH3, H2O, CO2 which molecule has lowest value of Bond angle? – NH3
  1. The ratio  of mass of Proton and Electron is – 1.8×103
  1. A pressure cooker reduces cooking time because – Boiling point of water inside the cooker is elevated
  1. Amongst NaCl, CaF2, Glass which one is a pseudo solid? – Glass
  1. Evaporation depends upon – Nature of liquid, Temperaure and Surface area
  1. Madelung constant is determined by – Geometry of crystal
  1. The phenomenon of radioactivity was discovered by – Henry Becquerel
  1. Fog is a colloidal solution of – Liquid in gas
  1. The substances which do not act as catalyst but increase the activity of the catalyst are called. – Promoters
  1. A metal which does not liberate H2 gas from acids is – Cu
  1. Among Nascent hydrogen, Atomic hydrogen and Dihydrogen which is the poorest reducing agent? –Dihydrogen
  1. Which alkali metals are uses in photoelectric cells? – Cs
  1. Chile salt petre is – NaHO3
  1. Orthoboric acid is – H3BO3 & B(OH)3
  1. Galena is an ore of – Lead
  1. The molecular formula of Sulphur is – S8
  1. Which inter halogen compound is T shaped? – CIF3
  1. Kessler’s reagent is an alkaline solution of – K2Hgl4
  1. The Lanthanide contraction relates to – Atomic as well as M3+ ionic radii
  1. The first organic compound prepared is – Urea
  1. Hyper conjugation is also known as – Baker-Nathan effect, No-bond 

resonance and Sigma-pi conjugation

  1. The final product of oxidation of a Hydrocarbon is – CO2+H2O
  1. An alkyl halide can be converted into an alkenes by – Elimination
  1. Who was the secretary of Kothari Commission? – D.S. Kothari
  1. When did Wilhelm Wundt at the University of Leipzig in Germany establish the first Psychological laboratory? – 1879
  1. Which philosophy stressed “Values are inherent in the individual”? – Idealism
  1. Which branch of philosophy examines issues pertaining to the nature of reality? – Metaphysics
  1. Who was the 19th century founder of Existentialism? – Siren Kierkegaard
  1. Which behavior studies Psychology as a science? – Human & Animal
  1. Gestalt psychology played a prominent role in the development of – Cognitive psychology
  1. Charvaka arguments against interference include – Rejection of comparison
  1. The nature of the Lucia words can be described as – False
  1. The fundamental basis of Samara’s theory of self is – Non-dualism
  1. Parents involvement in meeting educational needs of the disabled child is essential because –They provide support to educational efforts at school
  1. Froebel’s most important contribution to education was his development of the – Kindergarten
  1. What was the age of ‘Samavartana Sanskara’? – 24 years
  1. Medium of Instruction in Buddhist period was …….- Pali
  1. What is important while writing on Blackboard? – Good Handwriting
  1. A teacher should be ………..- Dutiful
  1. The term ‘Kindergarten’ means ……… – Children’s playground
  1. Teacher’s behavior ought to be ………- Idealistic
  1. The technique to study the subject’s brain wave, heart rate and blood pressure is called. – Biofeedback
  1. Navodaya schools were established to …………Provide quality education in rural areas
  1. Who propounded socialism in education? – Stalin
  1. Value has been closely linked with interest according to………… – J.B. Perry
  1. National Literacy Mission was established in …………. – 1988
  1. Skill of Reinforcement aims at achieving………- Positive motivation
  1. If a student does not pay respect to you, then you will………..- Ignore him/her
  1. ‘The honoring of women is an act of pleasing Gods yielding good results’ was the opinion of ……..-Parishes
  1. Oldest model of social change is ………..- Cyclic
  1. The agency which plays the most significant role in the transition of the

individual to a person is ………. – Family

  1. Whose theory describes, “much of man’s behavior id determined by innate instincts that are largely unconscious?– Freud’s
  1. The father of Education Sociology is ……….. – E.G. Payne
  1. National Youth Day (January 12) is celebrated on the birthday of – Swami Vivekanand
  1. Population wise, which country is the third largest country in the world? –U.S.A
  1. Sāmbhar lake is in – Rajasthan
  1. Which was earlier known as ‘Sandwich Islands’? – ? –Hawaiian Islands
  1. As per census-2011, …………has the minimum density of population in India. – Arunachal Pradesh
  1. In which year “Pahoa” movement took place in Samara? – 1942
  1. Earning of stock paid to the share holders is called – Dividend
  1. Among Rourkela, Bhili, Bokhara, Cheri which place is not associated with steel production? – Cheri
  1. Among Monitor, Speaker, Printer, Mouse which one is not an Output Unit? – Mouse
  1. ‘Fescues bengalensis’ is commonly known as – Banyan tree
  1. First Battle of Pan pat (1526) was fought between – Babur and Ibrahim Lodi
  1. There is a mountaineering institute at – Manila
  1. ‘Boston Tea Party’ is associated with – American War of Independence
  1. ‘Mudraraskshasa’ was written by – Vishakhadatta
  1. ‘Dandy March’ is also known as – Salt Satyagraha
  1. There are …………. Languages of India recognized by the constitution. – 22
  1. Under which Article, the President of India has the power to grant pardons, reprieves, respites or remission of punishment or to suspend, remit or commute the sentence of any person convicted with death sentence? –Article 72
  1. The provision of ‘Suspension of fundamental Rights during  the Emergency’ in Indian Constitution has been taken/borrowed from– Germany
  1. The classical dance ‘Raff’ is associated with – Kashmir
  1. Among Rabindranath Tagore, C.V. Raman, Hargobind Khorana, Home Jahangir Habra which personality has never received ‘Novel Prize’? – Home Jahangir Habra
  1. Who was the first women Chief Minister of a State in free India? – Sachet Kriplani
  1. The capital of ‘Kyrgyzstan’ is – Bishkek
  1. ‘Duma’ is the Parliament of ………..- Russia
  1. According to Ramayana, who gave the name ‘Indrjit to ‘Meghnada’? – Brahma
  1. Microphone transforms – Sound energy into electrical
  1. ‘Presbyopia’ is associated with – Eyes
  1. ‘Pedology’ is the study of – Soils
  1. ‘Irani Trophy’ is associated with – Cricket
  1. Yuki Bhambhri is associated with – Lawn Tennis
  1. ‘Chak Shehzad’ farmhouse is a place associated with –General Musharraf
  1.   The correct change of number of the given word “Crisis” –Crises
  1.  ‘Shyam has lived here……….. ten years. –for
  1.   He jumped …………….. the well.-into
  1. The correct word similar in meaning to the underlined word given in the following sentence. “The fugitive was denied political asylum” –Refuge
  1. Correct word for “One who settles a disputes between two parties” –Arbitrator
  1.  The antonym of the word “Adversity” – Prosperity
  1.  The correct word for  “To Surpass” – Exceed
  1.  He………… go school on foot when the was young. –used to
  1.  An area of land used for burying the dead. –Cemetery
  1.  The meaning of idiom. “A close save” is –Narrow escape from accident or disaster
  1.  Which organisms are known as jokers of the plant kingdom? – Mycoplasma
  1.  Bacteria living at high temperature are known as –Thermophiles
  1. The principal structural component of the bacterial cell wall is –Peptidoglycan
  1. A jelly like mass of bacterial cells produced by some bacterial species is known as – Zoogloea
  1.  Citrus canker is caused by –Xanthomonas citric
  1.  The reserve food material in Chlorophyceae is –Starch
  1.  Which shows a heterotrichous habit? –Polysiphonia
  1.  The Red Sea has abundance of algae belonging to the class –Cyanophyceae
  1.  Chlorophyll a and d are together present in –Rhodophyceae
  1.  Chloroplast in Oedogonium is –Reticulate
  1.  Auxospore formation is a characteristics feature of – Diatoms
  1. Chantransia stage is the characteristic stage in the life cycle of –Batrachospermum
  1.    Fungi which grows on dung is called –Coprophillic
  1.    Poisonous fungi are known as –Toad stools
  1.    Crozier formation is present in –Ascomycetes
  1.  Among Coacervate, Viroids, Mycoplasma, PPLO Bacteria which one evolved first? –Coacervate
  1.    Protovirus can described as –A free-living gene
  1.  Earth originated about – 5 billion years ago
  1.  Theory of spontaneous generation was criticized by – Redi
  1.  Isolation prevents – Breeding
  1.    Virus-free tissue is called –Apical meristem
  1.  Agaricus is also known as – Gill Fungi
  1.  Nacelles tissue is – Diploid
  1.  Dormant phase of potato blight is – Oospore
  1.  Ergot affects – Flower
  1.  Vernalisation helps the ………..plants to grow. – Long dry
  1.  Water transporting soil is – Alluvial
  1.  Water melon belongs to –Cucurbitaceous
  1.  Canker is …………disease. –Necrotic
  1.  Gibberellins produces –Tall plants
  1.  Pigments acts as a reaction centre during photosynthesis. – P 700
  1.  Casparian strip occurs in –Endodermis
  1.  Organelle related with genetic engineering is –Plasmid
  1.  Haploid plants can be obtained from culturing. –Pollen grain
  1.  Rafflesia is found in –Malaysia
  1.  Fossils are found in –Sedimentary Rocks
  1.  Girdling leaf traces are the characteristic feature of the stem of –Cycas
  1. When chlorophyll is burnt, which element is obtained? – Mg
  1. Genes are made by – Polynucleotide’s
  1. Movement of cell against concentration gradient is called –Active transport
  1.  Evergreen trees remain throughout the year on account of –Leaves falling in small number intervals
  1. Pollination is best defined as –Transfer of pollen from Anther to Stigma
  1. Our Skin when exposed to excess sunlight becomes dar. This is because of our skin pigments called– Melanin
  1. Excessive bleeding from an injury is due to deficiency of –Vitamin K
  1.  Which disease is spread by house fly –Typhoid
  1.  The covering of lungs is called –Pleural membrane
  1.  The word ‘Species’ was coined by –John Ray
  1.  Which secretion associated with digestion does not have enzymes? –Bile
  1.  The character which was not in the direction of evolution human species is –

Shortening of jaws

  1.  Pebrine disease in silkworm is caused by –Nosema
  1.  ……….. is a symbiotic –Trichonympha
  1.  Free swimming larva of the comb jelly –Ephyra
  1.  Primary host liver fluke is –Cyclops
  1.  Related species which are reproductively isolated but morphologically

similar are called – Sibling

  1. Golden age of Reptiles is –Mesozoic
  1. Foramen of Panizzae is found in the heart of –Crocodile
  1.  Polycythemia refers to an abnormal increase in the number of –


  1.  ‘Preen Gland’ occurs in –Aves
  1.  Antiserum contains –Antibodies
  1.  In meiosis, crossing over occurs during –Prophase-I
  1.  Insect’s eggs are –Centrolecithal
  1.  Sleeping sickness disease is transmitted by –Tsetse fly
  1. Which one is not a component of male genital system in cockroach? –Collateral gland
  1.  Which one is absent in the stomach of camel? – Osmium
  1.  Glofhidium larva belongs to – Unio
  1.   Poison glands of snakes are homogenous to –Salivary glands of 


  1.   Monograms are unique mammals because they –Lay eggs
  1.   Most intelligent mammals are –Dolphins
  1.  Most fish do not sink in water because of the presence of –Air sacks and Air bladder
  1. Which amino acid has single cordon? –Tryptophan
  1. Cancer causing genes are called –Ontogenesis
  1. The upper heart chambers are called –Atria
  1.  Terrestrial insects produce –Uric acid
  1.  Which vitamin is destroyed by cooking? –Vitamin C
  1.  The Variola Major and Variola Minor are the two viruses responsible for which dreaded infectious disease?– Small pox
  1.  The ‘Earthworm’ and ‘Leeches’ respire through –Skin
  1.  Who discovered ‘Hybridoma Technology’? –Kohler and Milstein
  1.  ‘Retinol’ is commonly known as –Vitamin A
  1.  ‘Contractile vacuole’ is the excretory organ of –Amoeba
  1.  ‘Olfactory region’ of brain (Forebrain) is associated with –Smell

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