According to the Census 2011 the population of Himachal Pradesh is 6864602 of which 392126 (5.71%) belongs to Scheduled Tribes. The following communities have been listed in the State Scheduled Tribes list.
Name of Community:
1 Bhot, Bodh
2 Gaddi
3 Gujjar
4 Jad, Lamba, Khampa
5 Kanaura, Kinnara
6 Lahaula
7 Pangwala
8 Swangla
9 Beta, Beda
10 Demba, Gara, Zoba
In brief the tribal population of H.P. as per 2011 Census can be divided into three categories as under:
Scheduled Tribes in Scheduled Areas:
District of Kinnaur, Lahaul-Spiti, the two Sub-Division of District Chamba viz. Pangi and Bharmour have been declared as Scheduled Area because majority population comprise of communities declared as Scheduled Tribe under the Fifth Schedule of the Constitution. These tribal areas are very remote and inaccessible having tough mountainous terrain and inhospitable climatic conditions thus involving high cost of infrastructural development and harsh living conditions. Out of total 55673 square kilometer geographical area of H.P. 23655 square kilometer area falls in Scheduled Area which constitutes 42.49% of the total area. Total population living in Scheduled Area is 173661 of which 123585 constitute tribal which are 71.16% of the total and density in these areas is 7 per square Kilometer.
Modified Area Development Approach (MADA):
The ambit of Tribal Sub-Plan was expanded in the SIXTH FIVE YEAR PLAN and Modified Area Development Approach was adopted to cover smaller areas of tribal concentration having 10000 population in contiguous areas of which 50% or more were tribal. In Himachal Pradesh two such pockets namely Chamba and Bhatiyat- Blocks of the District Chamba were identified in 1981-82. These two pockets cover an area of 881.47 square Kilometer and population of 29455 (7.51%) Scheduled Tribes as per 2011 Census.
Dispersed Tribes Population:
Till February, 1987 SCA to TSP Strategy was applicable to the Scheduled Areas and Modified Area Development Approach only. During the Seventh Five Year Plan the strategy of Special Central Assistance to Tribal Sub-Plan was further extended to cover all tribal living outside the Scheduled Area and Modified Area Development Approach for beneficiary originated programme out of funds released by the Union Ministry of Tribal Affairs under Special Central Assistance. Besides Scheduled Area and MADA Pockets 239086 (60.97%) population belonging to Scheduled Tribes are residing in Non-Tribal areas of the State.
As stated above, out of total ST population in the State 68.51% resides outside Scheduled Areas of the State. For the socio-economic development of Scheduled Tribes residing outside Scheduled Areas of the State, besides General Plan allocations, funds are being provided under SCA to TSP.
Read more: Census of Himachal Pradesh 2011
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